Where Your Furniture and Fixtures Matter
Products within the furniture and fixture industry need excellent surface protection and diverse styling options. To keep customers happy with their purchases, products need to survive through wear and tear, and maintain an attractive look and feel. We offer an extensive selection of smooth, textured, metallic, and low cure colors that add style and provide durability to exterior and interior furniture.
Our UV and mar resistant powder coatings are especially well suited for outdoor furniture applications that require an attractive finish while maintaining a high level of durability and protection.
Furniture & Fixture Applications Calling for Durable Finishes
Store Fixtures and Displays
Office Furniture
Garden Pieces
Patio Furniture
Warehouse Racking
Filing Cabinets
Innovation for Your Application
TruPeel Powder Coatings
Powder coatings with a deep orange peel appearance to cover large surface areas or surface defects.
The TCI TruPeel combines the benefits of appearance while offering the widest application for these type of textures in the industry today. TCI integrates a robust formulation and a unique manufacturing process to allow the consumer to apply at a broad film range, using multiple style guns with a variety of gun settings. TCI TruPeeI has been used to coat small and large parts very successfully, including manually applied and in an automatic system.
TruHammer Powder Coatings
TCI hammertones' unique formulation assure the broadest application window for the most robust hammertones available.
TruHammer hammertone powder coatings assure the broadest application window, giving the coater the most robust hammertones available. TruHammer offers a more consistent finished product day in and day out than traditional hammertones. Hammertones may not be considered new or unique, but a true hammertone product line that understands the issues and/or problems historical hammertones have caused, is in fact, very unique.
TruZinc Powder Coatings
Zinc-rich primers to protect ferrous substrates.
TruZinc Primers protect ferrous substrates by two mechanisms. First, they act as a barrier to water and electrolytes increasing the electrical resistance of the corrosion cell. Second, they provide zinc which acts as a sacrificial anode. TCI's TruZinc Primers are the benchmark for corrosion resistance and may be utilized where high performance requirements are demanded. TruZinc Primers can be used both as a primer in a multi-coat system or as a single coat system.
TruBond Powder Coatings
Consistent batch to batch quality and high percentage of bond improves application and performance.
With powder coatings, you can achieve a variety of appearances, including appearances that contain metallic pigments. When you incorporate metallic, you must keep in mind the application process used as well as the atmospheric conditions the finished product may be subjected to. TruBond creates an extremely high percentage of bond, improving your application and performance over the bonding processes.
Powder Coating Primers
Primers to increase corrosion resistance.
Powder coatings are extremely durable, exceptionally resistant to corrosion, and able to withstand exposure to harsh UV rays. Even so, in some circumstances a dual layer is required to achieve optimal corrosion resistance and meet specific appearance requirements. In these cases, use a primer base coat for corrosion resistance.
Furniture & Fixture Market Approvals